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Semalt Speaks On Benefits Of Using Visual Content In PDF Marketing Material 

Table of Content

I. Introduction
II. Benefits Of Using Visuals In Your PDF Materials
III. The Dos And Don'ts Of Using Visuals For PDF
IV. Conclusion

I. Introduction

For a long time, the benefits of using visual content in PDF marketing material have been underutilized. Most people thought that because PDF files were text documents, there was no need to add pictures or images to them. However, times have changed, technology has advanced significantly, and people have a better understanding of how visuals and marketing go hand in hand.

Researchers have found out that people recollect pictures better than words. Images and graphics portray and relay information faster and almost better than texts. They are outstanding assets for conveying your message and attracting audience. 

And unsurprisingly, visual content is held in the memory at a far higher rate and for a more extended timeframe than words. This is why you should include visual content in your PDFs, particularly those for marketing?

II. Benefits Of Using Visuals In Your PDF Materials

1. It Helps You Grab The Reader's Attention

First, you want to make sure that your audience gets a visual refresher from time to time. Most people buy information visualized content in PDF documents because they can look at the content, learn what it says and then put it into context. Using visual content to supplement your text is always a good idea. Visual content is not mandatory, but they can help to draw the reader's eye to certain parts of the page.

If they don't know what you are trying to pass across, the information becomes a little more difficult to understand. But when the viewer can see the text content's visual presentation, they are much more likely to absorb it and act on it. 

Reading PDFs with visual content allows the reader to become immersed in the content. Images provide readers with an engaging experience that makes them want to keep on reading. They help the major intent in the message stand out from other texts. Visuals usually have this kind of impact. Now, you can have this same effect on readers by learning how to use visuals for your content.

2. Visuals Complement Your PDF

Using visual content is an excellent way to add visual appeal and uniqueness to your PDF marketing documents. It draws the reader into your PDF documents and entices them to continue reading. This is why you should consider how your visuals might impact the reader's perception of the information you are trying to convey.

Images, graphics, and graphs make your content more attractive, more appealing to readers, and easier for search engine crawlers to digest. By using visuals, you can make PDF content that would have otherwise looked bland, look interesting and enticing. 

It will also increase the perceived value of your PDF and make it easier for potential customers to obtain and purchase your products or services based on the information your content provided.

3. Visuals In PDF Move The Readers To Feel The Emotion In the Content

PDFs that are rich in visual content make readers feel emotions. Images and graphics usually evoke strong images, making it more likely for the readers to remember a marketing message passed across. 

Images can evoke memories, evoke feelings, or inspire imagination. Images can add emotion to a marketing message because they are so much more powerful than words. Graphics can trigger a person's emotions and therefore increase the reader's interest. 

Images and graphics are also more memorable than text and, therefore, easier to remember. Texts that feature images and graphics can also be used to provide a more personal or branding touch to your PDF content. 

For example, if you want to share something exciting about your business within the PDF, you can include a screenshot of that in the PDF. It would showcase your brand in a better light. Using visuals for your marketing material can make it stand out from the rest and gain a higher audience reach.

4. Graphics Enhance The Reading Experience

PDFs rich in visual content enhance your readers' experience much better than if you had just written text. Visuals are more engaging than text and, therefore, more likely to further encourage readers to read your PDF. Images can give an overview of a document and can make it more interesting and easier to read.

Images are important to marketing documents because they draw the reader's eye and hold their attention longer than texts helping the reader to understand your PDF better. By using visuals in your PDFs, you'll enable your readers to grasp the knowledge you're impacting faster and better.

Besides, visual content are more likely to capture readers' attention and hold their attention longer than long text paragraphs. And also, the content wouldn't seem tedious to read because it's supplemented with visuals.

5. It Can Help Emphasize Your Brand And Business Services

Visuals are commonly used to emphasize certain parts of a marketing document. A typical image would be an illustration or a screenshot. Images also create an illusion of your brand's larger size and thus increase its recognition among consumers. 

Images and illustrations can serve as trademarks, identifying characteristics or the look and feel of the brand itself. For example, if a product is red, the company might use red-themed images in their PDF to nudge their readers about that specific product. It's a subliminal message.

Visuals also serve as a way to showcase the product, showing different features or highlighting special attributes. Images describing a product or service can help make the product or service easy to understand and can even persuade consumers to try the product. This kind of marketing strategy is more successful when the visual content is paired with content that is easy to read or understood.

III. The Dos And Don'ts Of Using Visuals For PDF

1. Use Captivating Text Styles

You should use captivating text styles throughout your content. Using italics, bold, underlined or colored text can make your visual content more attention-grabbing and interesting to read. The fonts can also be used to enhance the prominence given to the visual content in the PDF. However, you should keep the overall outlook of your PDF's content in mind. 

While you might want your audience to focus on certain aspects of your visual content, you should ensure the visual content is also well integrated with the text-based content in the PDF. For example, you should avoid using an overwhelming font. This can detract from the effectiveness of your visual content. Instead, choose a typeface or font style that is easy on the eyes but still easily readable alongside the visual content.

2. Don't Use Overly Complex Graphics

When creating PDFs, you mustn't use overcomplex graphics. Complex graphics can distract readers and take a long time to load, even on PDF readers. There's nothing worse than looking at a photo or graphic and then having to wait several minutes before you're able to fully see it. 

As always, the best way to avoid these potential problems is to have your infographics and visuals created by professionals so that complexities can be out of the way. Stay simple yet informative with your PDF's visuals.

3. Limit The Information Included In Your Visual Content

When swamped with information or content, visuals tend to look spammy and distracting. So, you should limit the amount of information you include in your images, graphics, and illustrations. 

As much you want to include much information in your visuals for the readers, you should endeavor to keep everything on a low. This is because crowdy visual content can be both confusing and distracting for the readers. Remember, you want to draw their attention right away and retain it! You can only achieve that by using your visuals rightly.

4. Never Oversimplify Or Complicate Your PDF's Content

To catch and retain your readers' attention, you should never oversimplify or overcomplicate your message. Make your point clear without resorting to exaggerations or generalizations. Readers can tell when content is over-simplified, and they'll generally lose interest. Also, remember that readers need to be entertained as well.

5. Ensure your Visual Content Flows Consistently With The Overall Content

People frequently forget to match the flow of their visual content with that of the overall text. This is highly misleading for the readers. So, always make sure your images, graphs, charts, illustrations, and other visual content flow smoothly with your overall message.

6. Make Your Content Easy To Read

You should make both your visual and textual content easy to read. Else, the aim would be defeated. You should avoid using too many fancy fonts or using too many colors. Also, avoid using the likes of white text on white backgrounds, white images against totally white backgrounds because they tend to be difficult for readers to read. 

Most importantly, keep it simple. Graphics should be clean, effective, and easy to read. This means you need to avoid using multiple complex graphics like gradients, shadows, or filters. Instead, use more plain backgrounds and varying color palettes.

7. Keep Your Audience In Mind When Creating Your Content

You should keep your readers in mind when deciding on the best visual content to use. You need to think about the demographic location or age group of your audience. Your visual content should be tailored to match your target audience's taste. Even if you need to incorporate content targeted at different audiences, endeavor to find a middle ground.

8. Limit Your Varieties

While you need to use a variety of visual content in PDFs, you should avoid overdoing it. Remember, your goal is to communicate to your audience; it shouldn't be done in excess. You should avoid adding too many visual elements to your PDFs. For instance, a dull, black-and-white background may be more effective than an image full of flashing colors. You just have to understand your content and your audience.

IV. Conclusion

It's clear that adding images to PDF marketing materials is a winning strategy for increasing sales, stimulating a positive emotional response, and communicating your message efficiently. Maybe it's time to give your marketing material a second look and include optimal visuals in them. Images and graphics have become an integral part of many marketing materials, and if you have yet to start including them in your campaigns, now is the time to start. Don't know how to get started? Semalt can help you out.